Full-Time Duration

2 Semesters (1 year)
3 Semesters (1.5 years)

4 Semester (2 years)

Starting Date

Sept 2024, Mar 2025

Tuition Fee

EU: 820 € monthly
Non-EU: 10,938 € yearly


UE Innovation Hub, Dubai

About the course

New waves of innovations surrounding analytic services have had a significant impact on business and technology over recent years. In this master’s program, you will learn all relevant data science skills which are in demand across all industries in today’s job market.

Our lectures cover the relevant methods in data analytics and machine learning, such as clustering methods, predictive modelling and deep learning. The structured collection of data with intelligent data management is the basis of all successful analyses. Lectures on data engineering and cloud computing focus on these aspects.

The practical application of data analytics for business decisions and the emergence of new business areas via data and digitization are another core focus during the course. During the interdisciplinary electives, you have the opportunity to tailor your studies to suit your career goals by selecting modules out of the program’s vast portfolio of game design, UX/UI design or digital media communication. A contemporary leadership and culture module prepares you for you for leadership in the future.

You’ll also undertake a capstone project which allows students to work on an applied project with company partners or develop their own research project.

Interested? Get started today!